====== Welcome to My Personal Wiki ====== ===== Introduction ===== Welcome to my personal wiki. Apologies, a lot of the sections and pages here are not public. They are either too unpolished or private to share with the world. However, one day, the public section of this wiki will hopefully be full of polished project notes. ====== Public Pages ======= ===== Projects ===== [[project:start|=-=- Projects Index -=-=]] * [[project:environment_station|Environment Sensory Station]] * [[project:hci:start|Expiriments and research into novel personal human-computer interfaces]] * [[project:assetmanagement|Personal Asset Management system]] [[homelab:start|=-=- Homelab Index -=-=]] * [[homelab:homesatellite|Notes on Toshiba Laptop Server]] * [[homelab:data-backup-plan|Documentation on current backup system]] * [[homelab:appleserver|Appleserver]]