====== Specs ======
^ Specs ^ Toshiba Satellite C660D ^
| Hostname | homesatellite |
| CPU | AMD E-350 |
| GFX Card | Radeon HD 6310 |
| RAM | 4GB |
| OS | Ubuntu 18.02 Server LTS |
| LAN IP | |
| HDD | Currently None |
====== Notes ======
The HDD died. Fortunately surprisingly slowly so I had plenty of time to copy things off it, HDD has not since been replaced, the [[homelab:appleserver|appleserver]] is now the main server.
One of the screws to open the device up to access the internals to do things like replace the wireless card is stripped and stuck.
New owner has been found and the Toshiba laptop server will soon no longer be in my possession.
===== Resources =====
* [[https://wiki.marci.tech/lib/exe/fetch.php/homelab/c660_series.pdf|User manual]]
* [[https://wiki.marci.tech/lib/exe/fetch.php/homelab/compal_la-6843p_r1.0_schematics.pdf|Motherboard schematics]]